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What is Subscribe & Save?

Our subscription is the best way to experience Gratsi. We offer a standard bundle discount for multiple box orders, and with subscriptions, you save an additional 10%. Not to mention, you’ll always have a box to enjoy delivered right to your door. Ma

Are there any commitments? Can I skip a shipment?

There are no commitments with our Subscribe & Save plan! You can skip a shipment at any time directly in your account page or cancel your membership anytime by contacting us at [email protected].

Can I order between shipments?

Yes, many of our Gratsi customers love to re-up on their faves or try new wines in between shipments. If you're logged into your account, your 10% discount will automatically apply to the order ...even for add-ons.

How do I customize my next box?

Within three days of your next order date, you can visit the "Subscription" section of your account and you'll see the option to customize. You can login to your account at any time to see your next shipment date or skip upcoming shipments.